Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Indian Market Weekend - Santa Fe

Santa Fe was buzzing this last weekend - Indian Market Weekend. Bryan and I joined Mark, Gordon & Jay at 5AM for breakfast at the Plaza Cafe, which is where I shot the neon clock as we were dining. Thereafter we toured the booths, it was still dark - and we joked we should have brought a flashlight and minutes later we saw that infact many early birds do bring theirs. Our eyes were dazzled by some of the finest Native American works in the Nation. Running into old friends (Yolanda, Andrea, Janie) and enjoying the food booths filled our day with smiles.

The Pine Owl pictured was a rescue, we came upon him after buying a couple of Lowden and Ortiz clay Owls for our collection. I thought it apropo and wanted to show this beautiful bird. He is used in educating the public about our native species.

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